Case studies

The sixth work package of the CORE project coordinates the application and testing of collaborative methods and concepts developed in other work packages in real-life case studies. The cases are chosen together with the stakeholders. They represent timely policy, planning and management processes amenable to collaborative interventions in land-use planning, mining, energy policy, environmental legislation, conflict mediation, multi-level governance and wellbeing.

First, the project collects experiences of collaborative cultures in Finnish environmental planning and management and identifies potential problems. This will form the basis for the project’s case study strategy, including criteria for case study selection.

Second, evaluation of the interventions and testing of collaborative methods, approaches and concepts is supported by developing a joint evaluation framework. The work package coordinates collaboration between work packages 1-5 and ensures that the interventions in the case studies are carried out according to the case study strategy.

Third, the work package supports policy learning from the collaborative experiments, documentation of the cases, critical evaluation and generalization of lessons learned.

The work package is led by Senior Research Scientist Taru Peltola from the Finnish Environment Institute.